The Election is over…

J.H. in Lake Forest, CA, writes: The origin of this verse is unknown; it’s been around since at least 1956, though in slightly different form:

The election is over; the results well known;
The will of the people is clearly shown.
Let’s forget our troubles and show by our deeds
That we’ll give our leader all the help that he needs.
So let’s all get together and let bitterness pass;
I’ll hug your elephant and you kiss my donkey.

How Rude of You to Say So

Thanks to Atlas Obscura, I have found a website that soothes a curmudgeonly mind while avoiding the current disaster called American politics. Here I found eight of the rudest places on Earth.

  1. Ragged Ass Road, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
  2. Caroline Cutter Headstone in New Hampshire – a gravestone with a grudge
  3. Shit Fountain, Chicago, IL – a bronze coil of feces
  4. The Dove, London England where a typesetter committed his typeface to the Thames rather than to his partner.
  5. The Grudge [Al Ba’sa], Lebanon, Beirut – how to block your brother’s view.
  6. Classmates, San Antonio, TX – a bronze sculpture to “mansplaining.”
  7. The Indecent Little Man on the Church of St. James, Brno, Czechia

8. Hotel Casanus – spend a night in a giant colon!

You may read more here:

The best things in life are free

We have wants and desires that are far beyond our reach – that 100 foot (30 meter) yacht, that palace on the Riviera or winning the lottery.

None of these are going to happen but we keep wishing.

Yet, we overlook the simple but wonderful pleasures of everyday life:

the best things

  • The sound of gentle rain in the early morning
  • Watching a sunset on a mild fall evening
  • The distant sound of a train whistle from the open window of your room
  • Being awakened by a gentle caress on your cheek…


                … unless you happen to be in jail at the time.

The End

The End

Although I am not at death’s door, there are those moments when I can see the door from here.  To prepare for the Day of Atonement, I have a few requests for my all my loved ones (family and friends).

First, don’t say “He passed.”  I died.  Saying “He passed” sounds like I had a bad urinary experience or an unhappy encounter with cannibals.

“Two cannibalistic ship captains passed each other in the night.”

Second, don’t say “He is in a better place.”  Repeated requests to all Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – have produced diddly squat so there is no corroboration for this assertion.  You can say that I am in good company.

“You go to Heaven for the scenery and hell for the company.” –Mark Twain

I may have better luck with Buddhists because a Zen Buddhist pizza guy once said he would make me one with everything.

Third, please do not have responses say anything about resting in peace.  I have no such intention.  For eternity, I plan to pester, bother, aggravate and, in general, annoy anyone who ever incurred my wrath.

“Agitate, agitate, agitate.” –Frederick Douglass

If you wish to delay the inevitable arrival of death’s door at the end, you can listen to the interminable The End by The Doors: